When I become a member of the Mesquite Club, what committees can I join?
Bylaw’s - We review our bylaws every other year. This committee oversees any changes.
Building committee – This committee sees that helps us to keep up the building.
Community Service – Every club year, June 1 through May 31 daytime and evening choose different non-profit charities to support. We are one Club, so assistance is not restricted to which group you attend. The members of these committees are responsible for planning events to raise money that will be donated to the selected charities. In addition, they often plan hands on activities where members may offer their time and assistance. Depending on the needs of the selected charity we often collect in kind donations. Some of the on-going hands on and in kind projects that we have been doing: Collecting school supplies for an "at risk" school, volunteering to read to the students during Reading Week, collecting interview attire for Dress for Success , sewing Christmas Stockings for Blue Star Mothers so that deployed military personnel can receive a filled stocking for the holidays, assembling beauty bags and collecting personal items, cleaning supplies, food and water for the pantry of Veteran's Village which is this year's chosen charity for daytime members. Some of the members will be helping at the November 3rd, Veteran's Village 5k run/walk and are assisting in pre-selling 50/50 raffle tickets for that event.
Holiday Craft Auction – Our evening group has hosted this event for 34 years. It is a great event that supports a local non-profit, offers scholarships. This is a great way to start your shopping for the holiday season, as well as supporting a good cause.
Devotion – We start our meeting with a devotion, salute to the flag and at times the Collect.
Garden Tea – An annual event held in May. This is always an elegant event where we get together and have tea, coffee, tantalizing food and entertainment. If you love to plan fun events, this is the committee for you.
Hospitality – The hospitality committee assures that every meeting has enough hostesses and refreshments for the meetings through the year.
Membership-This committee welcomes new members, conducts an orientation and offers support and guidance for your Mesquite Club experience.
Nominations – Once you have been a member of the Club, this committee is a great way to help us fill positions on our Executive Board.
Silver Tea- Mesquite Club’s Anniversary and presentation of service awards.
Special events – This committee plans three major events, our Opening Luncheon in September, our Christmas Holiday Party in December, and our Closing Luncheon in May.
Telephone Tree – The telephone tree calls members to remind them of upcoming events.
Ways & Means – We own our building; this committee plans events so that we will be able to pay our bills.
Rummage sale – We have an annual rummage sale; this committee needs every member to support with donations and during the event.
Celebration of Life Fund – We celebrate all sorts of life events. This chair receives reports from the financial secretary and sends reports to the Newsletter editor for reporting.
Art Class –The art class meets most Wednesdays at 10 a.m. There is a charge for this class. Some artists works are displayed at our Fine Arts Day the first meeting in March.
Craft Croup - meets most Mondays at 10 a.m. It started when a few decided to get together to work on sewing hospital gowns, arm bands and dolls for children receiving facial reconstruction surgery in third world countries. They had such a good time that they decided to meet regularly to share creative talents and ideas. Everyone has a different talent, so they often work on separate projects. They have helped some of the committees by making decorations and favors for the events. They have hosted crafts sales and added their wares to the holiday bake sale fundraisers. A craft sale table has become a regular feature during most meetings and the proceeds have been used towards numerous needed upgrades around the building. To name a few they donated funds to purchase a more secure and energy efficient back door, build storage cabinets in the stage area, replace the flooring on the dance floor portion of the room, purchased a safer sturdier step ladder, purchased a large size microwave suitable for preparing food for luncheons, helped to replace the double ovens, donated funds towards the gates to the parking lot, purchased table covers, and most recently purchased a new sink & faucet, cook top and new counters in a kitchen remodel. During the summer they work on sewing the stockings for Blue Star Mothers. It is a fun group that welcomes creativity on every level.
For more information!
The Mesquite Club
702 E Saint Louis Ave, Las Vegas, Nevada 89104, United States